Science Week Kestrels Class ” If you burn something it gets smaller.”

We carried out an investigation into burning today as part of science week. We wanted to see if anything that is burnt always gets smaller…we knew this happened with log fires..wood turns into ash after a fire… watch the video and see what happens in our experiment. The children will write up their notes soon and we will add them to the video.

Dodgeball Tournament AHS March 2017

Children from Hevingham and Marsham took part in the AHS Dodgeball tournament run by Mrs Zulu and the year 10’s. It was great fun – we all really loved it. 

Gymnastics @ Marsham

Our theme this term in class 2 has been “Where are the wild things?” We have spent time researching and finding out about wild animals that live in the region. We went on a trip to see the seals and seal pups at Horsey Gap and in PE we looked at the way animals move and tried to create some movements of our own. Here is an example of Acer performing his movement to music.

World Book Day @ Marsham!

Children came to school today dressed as a character  from their favourite book. Everyone made a fantastic effort with outfits and props to bring each character to life! Thank-you to all the parents who went out of their way to support their children in doing this. Reading is one of the most fundamentally important life skill and research shows that confident readers usually excel in many other areas of life. Below are some photographs of our outfits.

Ks2 hiking and adventure club

20 brave souls…….

Ten detailed maps….

Literally HUNDREDS of metres …..

Hiking and adventure club took on a perilous journey across the wildest landscapes known to the back of school in Hevingham .

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Science Morning Family learning Day Year 3/4

On Friday children from year 3 and 4 planned and taught a lesson to children and parents from year 5 and 6.

The learning was based around work we had been doing this term on food chains. The children planned and led the teaching and they also supported the parents and year 5 and 6 children in doing two activities. The first was to create a mind map to show examples of producers, primary consumers and secondary consumers. The second activity was to link animals and plants from a particular habitat into a food web.

Parents Feedback Comments

“Thank you for a fun group. firstly nice to be welcomed in. Secondly very helpful to have the slide show which clearly explained what we were doing. Well structured all children seemed to be enjoying it.”

“Invited into the classroom , made to feel welcome and the activity explained really well and fantastic group involvement. Thank you –  I learnt a lot.”

” A really good way for the children to learn and show their knowledge”

“I always enjoy coming into the children’s classes and joining in with their learning.”
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KS2 Science Morning – 5 and 6 class

Our experiment this morning was to see how much energy was in food.

The children led the teaching, and after planning their lesson, taught the younger children about the chemical reaction of acid and zinc, and all groups explored what the potential energy of potatoes and lemons could be!

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Our parent visitors were very enthusiastic:

“Great class experiment, engaging different year groups all helped each other – Very nice to see!”

“Interesting scientific experiment, proves you are never to old to learn.”