
Welcome to Hevingham and Marsham Primary Partnership Schools. This website has been put together for families of existing and prospective children. It aims to give you all the information you need to help your child get off to a flying start when they begin at our schools.

I hope that it gives you a flavour of the positive, friendly and fun ethos we have developed; it should also reassure you that we have high expectations of children regarding their achievement and how they conduct themselves in and around the school communities. It has important background information about how the schools work in partnership.

If you cannot find the information you need or you would like to meet me to help you decide if our schools are the right place for your child, please contact me through either school office.  We are happy to provide any paper copies of documents should you require them.

Thank you very much for showing an interest in sending your child here. We encourage families to come and visit us and would be pleased to organise this through the school offices.

Thank you

Mrs Lydia Board
Executive Headteacher & SENDCo
Hevingham and Marsham Primary School Partnership

The Friends’ Committees

Friends of Hevingham
Friends of Marsham