Helpful Websites

Useful sites and links

There are many useful sites or links in relation to safeguarding. Here are a few.

Keeping children safe online – 


Use Parental Controls to Keep Your Child Safe – NSPCC

The online world gives us access to a huge amount of information and services, but the scale of information available also means that there is content that is inappropriate for children. What is or isn’t appropriate is up to individual parents and carers to decide.

The NSPCC – offering support and advice if you have concerns about a child 

 Talk PANTS – toolkit and information for parents on teaching children how to keep safe. We use this in school

CADS- Children Advice and Duty Service, this site will give you further information about what to do if you feel worried or have serious concerns about a child


Just One Number- offers lots of support to parents and families

Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board 


Norfolk Early Help