Assembly Timetable




Monday PSHE – in class Singing
Tuesday Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) Religious
Wednesday Religious Religious Personal, Social, Health, Emotional (PSHE) – in class
Thursday Singing Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural SMSC
Friday Celebratory Celebratory

PSHE –follows PSHE/PATHS curriculum map for termly themes

Singing – follows the Sing Up programme

Religious – coverage of the festivals for the 4 main religions throughout the year

Celebratory – behaviour and Learning Strategy celebrations

SMSC-Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural including British Democracy

Date SMSC Religious @
Religious @
13.4.15 Global dimension – the world in your classroom Vicar – Christian beliefs Christian beliefs -Why is the bible a special book?
20.4.15 Mock General Elections Fairness and Justice: The Jewish Story of Two Brothers Fairness and Justice: The Jewish Story of Two Brothers
27.4.15 Mock General Elections Vicar – Christian beliefs Christian beliefs –How does prayer work?
4.5.15 World Fair Trade Day –May 9th Courage: Daniel and the Lion’s Den Courage: Daniel and the Lion’s Den
11.5.15 Christian Aid Week Vicar – Christian beliefs Christian beliefs – What is the best/hardest thing about being a Christian?
18.5.15 National Smile Month – importance of good health and hygiene Buddhist festival of Wesak Buddhist festival of Wesak